Mandala Magic

Renowned Los Angeles based artist, Rolandas Dabrukas, wants to enhance your life and spiritual being with some ‘Mandala Magic’.

The word ‘Mandala’ derives from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit – loosely translated to mean ‘circle’ but it is much more than a simple shape.

It represents universal wholeness and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life – reminding us of our relationship to the infinite world from both beyond and within our bodies and minds.

And now Lithuanian born Rolandas wants to bring this concept to life by combining art with healthy foods mandalas.

He explains: “I choose products for each mandala which derive the best possible health benefits. For example, one mandala derived from fruits will have the strongest concentration of vitamin A while another will have fortified vitamin C.”

“My mandalas are also created to stimulate the senses with their color healing properties. Green for example increases appetite while yellow stimulates the mind.

“I also create mandalas with different themes for example four the seasons, children’s mandalas, fruit mandalas, vegetable mandalas, fun mandalas.”

This fun loving artist wants to create art that is beneficial to one’s health.

“I want people to be reminded of harmony of color, and healthy diet, and aesthetics in their daily life and abundance in nature.

“My expectation is to create a demand for healing mandalas in their daily lives’ by making not only placemats, but also bags, backpacks, puzzles, memory games, table games, toys, coloring books, kitchen towels, napkins, coaters, paper plates, aprons, table cloths and pillow cases.”