Story Time Extravaganza Show

Story Time Extravaganza

The children’s book “Zoolidays” was published by Red Cygnet Press and was a 2007 Tassy Walden Award finalist.

I, as the illustrator of this book, will be delighted to present the book to children – telling the story of how animals painted each other to save their zoo.

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Giro Show

Giro Show

GIRO Show was created by two professional artists – Gintaras Jocius and Rolandas Dabrukas.

Besides their favorite activities – illustrating books, teaching students art secrets – the most adrenaline they get is from painting while standing on walking stilts.

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Custom Art Service

Custom Art

Custom Murals


Book Illustrations

Custom Logo, etc.

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art classes for kids

Private Art Classes For Children

Drawing is the single most accessible form of art available. All you need is drawing skills, imagination, a pencil and a sheet of paper. It is the fundamental skill of the visual arts that can and should be learned by all children.

I teach drawing skills while also developing visual learning skills in children ages 3 to 14, giving them an academic advantage in the classroom.

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Drawing classes for adults

Private Art Classes For Adults

It is open to all levels of experience, and I am trained to differentiate between different ability levels. Individual instruction and a variety of demonstrations will enable beginners, intermediate and advance students to expand their knowledge and refine their art skills. Drawing classes are for those who have always wanted to create an art, but didn’t know where to start and for those who desired to advance to a new level of detailed work

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Private Illustration Classes

Private Illustration Classes

I am open to teaching students at all levels of experience. I will demonstrate and provide instruction of the illustration process: starting with the thumbnail, creating the book dummy, and ending with illustrating the book. As my student, you will be able to utilize either your own created text or that written by another.

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Children's Party Entertainment

Kids’ Party Entartainment

My creation, the Blue Moose character, creates a seamless, magical and hypnotic interaction with the audience for a show both kids and parents can enjoy. During the party, the Blue Moose appears magically from nowhere and instead of saying “Hello,” he dances his “Hello” dance.

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